Jun 11, 2005 - 11:08 pmhttp://www.urban-rpg.com/signup.php?ref=9490 if you use this link, you will be taken to a game call urban. urban is a gang type game in which you get to the top by using machine guns, sniper rifles and many other types of weapons to slay others in your way of reaching the highest rank. score is tallied by your level based on the amount of experience you acquire by battles. you can own a factory in which you can create "drugs" which can be sold for money to buy better weapons and so forth. Apr 29, 2005 - 10:07 pmi can't wait for the tourney to get started although i will prolly by targeted for the most part because of the support that Langel gets but it ought to be a good game to say the least.
In other news its crappy and slick in New York so my Lacrosse game was cancelled although we could've still played. Contact sports are the greatest. In the spring i either play baseball or lacrosse and in the fall I play Tight End for the school's football team. I enjoy watching Donovan McNabb and the Philadelphia Eagles run all over every NFL team they face. Well got to go...hope you enjoyed a little info about me 
Entry Edited 1 time - Edited on Apr 29, 2005 - 10:08 pm
Apr 26, 2005 - 6:33 pmI would like to dedicate this blog to an old partner who i savagely attacked and massacred for the mere sake of getting a high score while taking advantage of a Formidable Ally and using it to help me. i know what i did was wrong and i understand that you are most definately mad at me Langel, but let me say this... I am truly sorry for the stunt i pulled this past weekend and i want you to know that it was an immature and retarded thing to do and that i feel terrible that it took this long for me to let this out. i would like to ask for a friendship out of you starting with the mere basics again but this time out of game. i want you to realize that i am not so bad of a person and that i do have in some respects maturity. i would like to start our friendship(if at all possible) slowly so that you will see my true side and not some cheap trickery that i played off as being a tough guy. I would also like to give my condolences to Kwae Zar because i left you without any allies because of this display against Langel.
I am Truly Sorry Langel, 
John Apr 25, 2005 - 5:43 amso it seems like everyone knows about what happened between myself and Langel. well to get the first thing straight. i was not trying to screw you over at all in the game until you started running your mouth to KZ about how i cant be trusted. i wrote in the shout box that i would pay you the money on the next morning and i never got a reply...so what if i logged in to your account. if they want to kick me off...let em. its a game life goes on bla bla bla. Oh and Lativa a.k.a Donald Dick, you'd better watch your back in the game because your next. Nov 29, 2004 - 7:32 pmive been playing in this game for about two weeks now and i want new people to join it because it is very lonely by mydelf. the Url is as follows
i would appreciate anyone who joins this game  |