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About the Alien Assault Traders project |
Updated on November 1, 2004

Alien Assault Traders is an online, web-based, turn-based
strategy space trading game forked off the source of both
BlackNova Traders (BNT) and
Nova Gaming System (NGS)
and inspired by the popular BBS game of TradeWars. Alien
Assault Traders derived from NGS. In playing NGS we felt
that the game we wanted to play was a different direction
than what the author of NGS was going. We forked off NGS
and derived the new game that we now call Alien Assault
Our goal was to create a game that was fast paced, with
a high level of variety and options, very balanced and
have a way where with enough strategy, planning and good
team play, any body could be at the top of the rankings.
AATrade is copyrighted by each
of the developers listed below, for each of
their respective contributions, and placed
under the trust of the lead developers (Rick
Thomson and Mark Dickenson respectively
for AATrade).
AATrade is placed under the protection of the Gnu Public License,
which among other things guarantees the right of others to modify both games, as long as all changes are shared
publicly, as these games have been. Current versions of AATrade are based off an original code base that doesn't incorporate any code from BNT or NGS.
If you have any licensing concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Rick Thomson.
The developers for AATrade are:
Rick Thomson - Tarnus
Mark Dickenson - Panama Jack
The following people have helped with bug fixes, code submissions and templates for AATraders and we would like to thank them for that help.
Creeperman - Code Submissions
Fantaz - Many Bug Fixes
Florian Schuh (SiCoosA) - German Language Translation
Kelly Shane Harrelson - Spiral Galaxy Code
Marco Bolzoni (Excite) - Italian Language Translation
WeirDave - Dice Graphic for Maps
Thank for your interest in our project, and if you have any
questions, feel free to join the forums.
- Tarnus
AATrade lead developer